What Happens When People Care

What Happens When People Care

I Wish My Teacher Knew. How One Question Can Change Everything for Our Kids, by Kyle Schwartz

One day, the third-grade teacher at Dull Elementary in DenverKyle Schwartz, asked her students to “fill in the blank” in a very simple sentence:

“I wish my teacher knew _____.”

She asked all for he children to write down one thing they wanted to tell her, but wouldn’t normally in the classroom situation. The first note that Schwartz shared on Twitter was from a student who said they didn’t have pencils at home to do their homework.

Some of the answers were humorous, others…..

life journaling basics-2

Hello everyone! I am coming to you today with a little announcement: The Serial Reader is moving to its own place!


I have been working on a new website / new domain, and I am now ready to invite you over! Sign up for daily updates from The Serial Reader!

Hope to see you there!


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